Hybrid GUI beta release - an IM+RM GUI toolkit for games, multimedia, etc

Tom S h3r3tic at remove.mat.uni.torun.pl
Wed May 21 06:11:21 PDT 2008

Thanks for the feedback, folks!

Koroskin Denis wrote:
> Looks great! Is there any way to browse your source apart from 
> team0xf.com:8080?
> I was trying to sync the source using hg clone, but failed to do so.
> Following the guide at 
> http://wiki.team0xf.com/index.php?n=Tools.MercurialWindows
> gave no result. Is it intended for developers only? It keeps asking for 
> a password
> and I found no way to register anywere.

You can currently only clone the repo in read-only mode, e.g. by 
following the steps here: http://hybrid.team0xf.com/wiki/Main/GettingStarted

The 'Tools.MercurialWindows' on the team0xf wiki guide assumes that 
you've got a way to upload your public key to our server - which is 
restricted to, um, team0xf ;)

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

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