Dynamic loading of D modules

Unknown W. Brackets unknown at simplemachines.org
Sun Apr 26 01:55:54 PDT 2009


This is very interesting, and pertinent to things I want to do with D.

I notice you talk about removing all but OMF support.  OMF is typically 
used on Windows-only.  To support Linux, it may be necessary to support 
Linux (it may not, but then you *cannot* use any functions not defined 
in phobos .o's, afaik.)

Also, it strikes me that the example seems needlessly long (why no 
exceptions for failures, they seem like something you wouldn't expect?)

How interested are you in getting this working on Linux?

Also, from your documentation, getting around (5) on the OS level is the 
right way (elsewise you will run into the NX bit)... for Windows, I 
think the right way is to VirtualAlloc() it, then write to it, then 
VirtualProtect() it so it's now executable but not writable anymore.


On Linux, it's done with mprotect() and PROT_EXEC afaik.  Basically the 
same idea.


Steve Teale wrote:
> If you want something along the lines of DDL, but for D2.x and Phobos, please check out http://www.britseyeview.com/dml/.
> Very much work in progress.

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