LDC 0.9 released

dsimcha dsimcha at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 8 16:30:36 PST 2009

== Quote from Christian Kamm (kamm-incasoftware at removethis.de)'s article
> The first version of LDC (http://www.dsource.org/projects/ldc), the LLVM
> based compiler for version one of the D programming language has been
> released for x86-32 Linux. Get it here:
> http://www.incasoftware.de/~kamm/ldc/ldc-0.9.tbz2
> We had already announced this release during the Tango conference in
> September (we hope the video of our presentation will be out soon), but -
> as was to be expected - it took a bit longer than planned.
> LDC ships with a precompiled Tango rev 4237 and passes all except two of
> Tango's unittests (io.digest.Md2 and text.locale.Posix fail). DStress
> results also look favorable. The chances are good that your code will work
> with it too!
> There are several known issues, the most severe being:
>  * LDC does not compile DWT successfully for unknown reasons
>  * an LLVM 2.4 bug sometimes leads to linker errors when unreachable code is
>    optimized away
>  * LDC doesn’t fully follow the D calling convention (but it's close!)
>  * we inherit every DMD-frontend related bug in the D bug tracker
>  * … there are more in our tracker
> If you encounter a bug, please check our bug tracker and create a new ticket
> if the issue isn’t listed yet. Maybe you are feeling adventurous and want
> to try fixing it yourself; in that case take a look at our getting started
> guide.
> LDC could support other platforms. Furthest along so far are
>  * x86-64 Linux: needs people to start fixing smaller bugs, exception bug
>    (LLVM issue)
>  * x86-32 Mac: small runtime issues, needs tests
>  * x86-32 Windows: exceptions not supported (LLVM issue)
> but support for these platforms won’t improve on its own! Several friendly
> people have offered their help - we need more of those!
> For those with big CTFE memory needs, we have an experimental version of LDC
> available
> http://www.incasoftware.de/~kamm/ldc/ldc-0.9-gc.tbz2
> which has the compile-time garbage collector enabled. In the future, we're
> going to experiment with a forward reference hack, but right now it still
> introduces too many regressions.
> Feedback and questions are appreciated and should go to the mailing list:
> ldc-dev at googlegroups.com. Alternatively, we're often seen in #ldc on
> FreeNode.
> Tomas Lindquist Olsen, Christian Kamm

Awesome.  Great job!  Any estimate on when decent D2 support might be available?

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