QtD. first results.

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 17:36:24 PST 2009

2 month passed since the work on Qt binding started and we got first results now. There are about 130 classes that work now or I better say _should_ work now because it requires a lot of testing. Among them are basic widgets like QLabel, QPushButton and so on. The API is not full and there is methods that have container types or Variants as parameters. Basic layouts work. The whole thing works only on linux for the moment.

For those who doesn't know we are at http://code.google.com/p/qtd/

The main issue is that signals and slots and therefore event-handling in toolkit is not implemented. So it means that it is not really useful right now. But still we decide that it will be better than announce that not, to let people know that some work is going on.

Any help will be appreciated i.e. improving build system, porting tutorials and examples, or if you want help with the binding itself.

Thank you, best regards.
Eldar Insafutdinov

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