bugzilla 424 - Unexpected OPTLINK Termination - solved!

grauzone none at example.net
Wed Nov 4 08:23:38 PST 2009

Walter Bright wrote:
> Anyhow, during this process I stumbled upon what the problem was. 
> Optlink was apparently trying to account for some Borland obscure 
> extension to the OMF. Remove this, and it works, although presumably it 
> will no longer link Borland object files (who cares!).

And during all that time, GNU ld worked just fine, completely without 
bugs! I had to add hacks to my code to make it linkable on Windows.

And no, GNU ld is not too slow. The most time during building is wasted 
due to not having _working_ incremental building (Tom S discussed the 
issues about that with you). Additionally, I prefer a slow, working 
linker over a fast, crashing one.

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