PAD, a text adventure language written in D

Robert Clipsham robert at
Fri Nov 6 16:09:38 PST 2009

downs wrote:
> This was originally created for my IRC bot, but I added a CGI interface a few days ago.
> Here's a quick demo:
> It takes pages, Dokuwiki pages and raw text. For other sites, you have to wrap the code between %PAD START% and %PAD END%.
> Source is on
> The source is a simplicist imperative language based around the concept of scopes.
> A scope is a named entity that contains other scopes or commands in a defined order. It can also have a value. Scopes unify functions and variables in a single concept.
> Evaluating a scope evaluates all contained commands in order, unless it has a "default" scope, in which case that is evaluated instead.
> "area scopes", scopes prepended with "area", form the rooms of the game. The player is always in a "current room", accessible via the keyword 'location'.
> "hidden scopes", prepended with "#", cannot be accessed by the user directly.
> "global scopes", prepended with global, when included below the root scope are always accessible by the player regardless of other lookup rules. "inventory" is a typical global scope.
> Most of the commands _should_ (well, might) be self-explanatory. Have fun, and feel free to ask back.

This looks pretty cool. The language seems pretty self explanatory, do 
you have a small tutorial I could read? (or alternatively a version of 
what you pasted above with comments) Saves me figuring it out myself, 
feeling rather lazy right now ;)

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