D.dev development status update

F. Almeida francisco.m.almeida at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 04:25:41 PDT 2010

== Quote from bioinfornatics (bioinfornatics at gmail.com)'s article
> where is software source?
> is available for linux?
> if is a frre software and avaible on linux, i would like package
your project for
> fedora
> thanks
> best regards

So far, all I can guarantee is that it is freeware, I haven't
decided yet whether I will open the source code, or even which
license would I release it under.
I've been testing building under Linux using static linking as much
as possible, with the only external dependence left being libgtk+,
and so far the executable size is acceptable (circa 7MB). Would
consider packaging an rpm for a binary release?

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