D/Objective-C: hit a dead end, start anew

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Sat Sep 18 07:36:53 PDT 2010

On 2010-09-18 06:10:53 -0400, Jacob Carlborg <doob at me.com> said:

> Ok, now I'm not sure I understand. If you don't specify a selector for 
> a declared method, how will the selector look like? In your example 
> above, if you don't specify the selector how will it be something like:
> getObject:: ?

Exactly. Note that this is a valid selector name.

Though I might decide on something else later. I'm thinking about 
mangling the argument types in the selector to make it work better with 

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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