gl3n - linear algebra and more for D

David d at
Sat Dec 3 14:36:59 PST 2011

Am 03.12.2011 22:32, schrieb Kiith-Sa:
> David wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am currently working on gl3n - - gl3n
>> provides all the math you need to work with OpenGL, DirectX or just
>> vectors and matrices (it's mainly targeted at graphics - gl3n will never
>> be more then a pure math library). What it supports:
>>    * vectors
>>    * matrices
>>    * quaternions
>>    * interpolation (lerp, slerp, hermite, catmull rom, nearest)
>>    * nearly all glsl functions (according to spec 4.1)
>>    * some more cool features, like templated types (vectors, matrices,
>>      quats), cool ctors, dynamic swizzling
>> And the best is, it's MIT licensed ;). Unfortunatly there's no
>> documentation yet, but it shouldn't be hard to understand how to use it,
>> if you run anytime into troubles just take a look into the source, I did
>> add to every part of the lib unittests, so you can see how it works when
>> looking at the unittests, furthermore I am very often at #D on freenode.
>> But gl3n isn't finished! My current plans are to add more interpolation
>> functions and the rest of the glsl defined functions, but I am new to
>> graphics programming (about 4 months I am now into OpenGL), so tell me
>> what you're missing, the chances are good that I'll implement and add
>> it. So let me know what you think about it.
>> Before I forget it, a bit of code to show you how to use gl3n:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> vec4 v4 = vec4(1.0f, vec3(2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f));
>> vec4 v4 = vec4(1.0f, vec4(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f).xyz)); // "dynamic"
>> swizzling with opDispatch
>> vec3 v3 = my_3dvec.rgb;
>> float[] foo = v4.xyzzzwzyyxw // not useful but possible!
>> glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, GL_TRUE, mat4.translation(-0.5f, -0.54f,
>> 0.42f).rotatex(PI).rotatez(PI/2).value_ptr); // yes they are row major!
>> mat3 inv_view = view.rotation;
>> mat3 inv_view = mat3(view);
>> mat4 m4 = mat4(vec4(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f), 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f,
>> vec4(...) ...);
>> struct Camera {
>>       vec3 position = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
>>       quat orientation = quat.identity;
>>       Camera rotatex(real alpha) { orientation.rotatex(alpha); return this; }
>>       Camera rotatey(real alpha) { orientation.rotatey(alpha); return this; }
>>       Camera rotatez(real alpha) { orientation.rotatez(alpha); return this; }
>>       Camera move(float x, float y, float z) {
>>           position += vec3(x, y, z);
>>           return this;
>>       }
>>       Camera move(vec3 s) {
>>           position += s;
>>           return this;
>>       }
>>       @property camera() {
>>           //writefln("yaw: %s, pitch: %s, roll: %s",
>> degrees(orientation.yaw), degrees(orientation.pitch),
>> degrees(orientation.roll));
>>           return mat4.translation(position.x, position.y, position.z) *
>> orientation.to_matrix!(4,4);
>>       }
>> }
>>           glUniformMatrix4fv(programs.main.view, 1, GL_TRUE,
>>           glUniformMatrix3fv(programs.main.inv_rot, 1, GL_TRUE,
>> cam.orientation.to_matrix!(3,3).inverse.value_ptr);
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I hope this gave you a little introduction of gl3n.
>> - dav1d
> I looked at your project yesterday (found it on derelict forums)
> and it looks really good. Currently I'm using my own code for
> vectors/matrices but a dedicated library could be better.
> My comments:
> Not sure if DMD will do a good job optimizing your code atm
> (probably no way around this but to wait - uglifying the code would serve
> no purpose)
> In the future, SSE support would be nice (maybe will be easier to do if we
> ever get SSE intrinsics)
> Seems like most of the code is in linalg.d - wouldn't it be more maintainable
> to have it separated for each struct, and then public import it through one
> module for easy usage?
> I'm doing a lot of 2D work, and could use at least a rectangle/aabbox struct
> (if I use your lib, I'll implement rectangles on top of it anyway).
> Some other structs might also be useful (3D aabbox, circle, sphere?)
> Although, if you want to be as close to GLSL as possible, this might
> not be a good idea.
> Most D projects are under the Boost license.
> If you want to get this to Phobos,
> (I'd like something like this in Phobos :P)
> I recommend using that license
> (IANAL, but I don't see much difference between MIT and Boost)
> The GLSL style is good if you want it as close to GLSL as possible,
> but it'd be good to have more D-style aliases (again hinting at Phobos).
> (Personally I'd probably use the GLSL style, though)

Thanks for your feedback. SSE is planed, but it will be the last step, 
optimization at the end. Well gl3n shouldn't be the bottleneck anyways, 
because it's normally the GPU.
I've already thought about splitting linalg into 3 different files (also 
it was suggested by some people), but I dont like how D(md) handles 
imports, something like this would be cool:

import gl3n.linalg.matrix;
import gl3n.linalg.vector;
import gl3n.linalg.quaternion;
import gl3n.linalg; // this would import 
gl3n.linalg.matrix/vector/quaternion publically

Like in Python, unfortunatly this isn't supported (yet?).

It is also planed to add some useful stuff for graphics programming, 
like as you mentioned spheres or AABB (axis aligned bounding boxes). 
Well I dont want it to be GLSL conform (then it would be glm), because I 
dont like all of the GLSL design choices and D is much more poweful!

I am glad you like it :)

  - dav1d

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