DVM - D Version Manager

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Tue Jan 25 00:46:45 PST 2011

On 2011-01-25 01:43, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "Jacob Carlborg"<doob at me.com>  wrote in message
> news:ihkvrr$1l02$1 at digitalmars.com...
>> I've created a tool that installs and manages D compilers and different
>> versions.
>> Description:
>> DVM allows you to easily download and install D compilers and manage
>> different versions of the compilers. When you switch D compiler with the
>> "use" command the compiler will only be available in the current shell.
>> This allows you to have one version of the compiler in one shell and
>> another version in another shell. For example, have a D1 version in one
>> shell and a D2 version in another.
>> The tool is available at bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/doob/dvm
>> The wiki contains installation and usage instructions:
>> https://bitbucket.org/doob/dvm/wiki/Home
>> Platforms: currently only Posix
> Yay! That sounds great!
> This is the second thing this week that I'd been intending to do and have
> been thrilled to be beaten to the punch :)
> You can bet I'll take a crack at porting it to windows...uhhh...assuming I
> can find the time...heh ;)

The plan is to have a version for Windows, the D code is written with a 
Windows in mind. But the problem is the bash scripts, I'm  not sure if a 
Windows version is possible. Bash scripting is vastly superior to batch 
scripting. For example, I don't know if there is any batch equivalent to 
the following in bash:

* The "source" function/command
* .bashrc/bash_profile

In batch there is the "call" function but I don't know if it will retain 
any environment variables set by called the script.

There exists a key (or what it's called) in the Windows register where 
you can add a path to a script that will be executed when the user logs 
in, opens cmd or something like that.

/Jacob Carlborg

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