D Programming Language source (dmd, phobos,etc.) has moved to github

Robert Clipsham robert at octarineparrot.com
Tue Jan 25 14:50:42 PST 2011

On 25/01/11 22:28, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> I don't understand why you think I'm claiming anything of the sort. I never
> said anything like that. I keep saying over and over and over and over and
> over and over and over....."changeset number **PLUS WHICH REPOSITORY (and
> maybe branch, depending how the given system chooses to work)**"

Person A has a repository with one branch, 'default' and has made two 
commits. The current revision number is 1.
Person B clones the repository and creates a branch, 'ver2', and makes 
two commits. The revision number in his repository is now 3, it is still 
1 in person A's.
Person A makes a commit, his revision 2. B switches back to the 
'default' branch, and makes another commit.  His revision 4. A pulls 
from the default branch, now B's revision 4 == A's revision 3.

It's very easy for the revision numbers to get out of sync like this. 
Now if person B mentioned revision 2, A will not see the same commit as 
B when looking at it, and has no way of specifying to look in B's 
repository - A doesn't have access to B's 'ver2' branch until he pulls 
it (or B pushes it). There are any number of other cirumstances which 
could easily cause this in a DVCS, and this is without reordering 
commits etc.

This said, I still like them, and they are really useful for small 
projects :)


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