New web newsreader - requesting participation

Adam Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Jan 31 06:20:36 PST 2011

Trass3r wrote:
> So it showed me some Get Message form with
> <mailman.1085.1296409409.4748.digitalmars-d at>
> in the message id field.

That, by the way, is one of the background features of web.d. If
there's insufficient parameters to call a function ("  newsgroup"
!= "newsgroup" so it thought it wasn't an argument to the function)
it automatically generates a form based on the func's args, auto-
fills what it knows, and lets you fill in the rest.

The idea there was to define a basic website by doing nothing more
than listing some function prototypes. While I find it pretty cool,
it's "one size fits all" approach is actually fairly useless in
practice, alas.


> Strange thing is, most functions are properly demangled but 2
> aren't.
> Is this a (known) bug?

Yes, core.demangle can't do some symbols because DMD applies
a one-way hash to them once they reach a certain length because
such long symbols tend to break linkers.

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