DMD/Objective-C Alpha 1

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Thu Jun 2 05:55:19 PDT 2011

On 2011-06-02 07:50:20 -0400, Robert Clipsham <robert at> said:

> On 02/06/2011 12:49, Robert Clipsham wrote:
>> This is pretty cool! I'd test it, but D for XCode doesn't seem to play
>> well with XCode 4, and my XCode 3 installation appears to have
>> disappeared since I installed 4. Will the complete OS X toolchain work
>> with this eventually? (Interface builder, instruments etc)
> Does this mean in the not too distant future we'll be able to write 
> iPhone apps in D? :o

Define "not too distant". :-)

DMD doesn't have an ARM backend, so you'll need to port it to LDC or 
GDC. It might not be that easy however since a couple of parts are in 
the glue code that links to the DMD backend. But if you want to start 
working on LDC/Objective-C or GDC/Objective-C, I'll try to help.

The other issue is that it currently only support Apple's Legacy 
Objective-C runtime (used on 32-bit Mac OS X). iOS and 64-bit Mac OS X 
uses the Modern runtime which changed most of the ABI. I'll add support 
the Modern runtime eventually, but certainly not before DMD can emit 
64-bit code on Mac OS X.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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