Plot2kill 0.2

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Fri Mar 11 10:12:06 PST 2011

David Nadlinger Wrote:

> On 3/11/11 8:49 AM, Kagamin wrote:
> > It's also easier to debug code if you store objects in variables. What if histogram is created with a bug, how would you diagnose it? If you have the histogram stored in a variable, you can put a breakpoint after the assignment and inspect the histogram, but your example doesn't provide a variable to inspect.
> Just put a break point at the beginning of the line and step through it?

Those are library methods. You probably won't have sources for them, but you can still access its properties or inspect private members if you have appropriate symbols for them. It also can be quite tedious to step through those chained methods, because the chain can be long.
May be m$ debugger sucks, but it's nontrivial to step through methods called in single statement: it tends to step through the whole statement, though you can step-in and step-out.

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