[deimos] [tutorial] [rfc] How to set up a git repository to simplify keeping bindings up to date

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 14:57:50 PST 2011

It seems to me that people already use arbitrary ways of naming
modules, IOW the deimos idea is becoming a mess:

module deimos.libsndfile.d.sndfile;

module ncurses;

module deimos.lzma;

Personally I think naming modules "deimos.modulename" is a bad idea.
What if you want to use two C libraries in a single app which both
define a module with the same name?

import deimos.tests;  // wanted lib1.tests
import deimos.tests;  // wanted lib2.tests, woops!

If deimos was just a directory name and not included in the module
name we could have this sort of directory tree:


The modules would be named as:
module lbzma.file;
module gtk.file;
module cairo.file;

And then the only thing you would have to do to start using any of
these is add -I<path_to_deimos> to your projects, and you wouldn't
have name clashes if you used more than one library.

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