std.dateparse reincarnation

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Tue Oct 25 13:43:56 PDT 2011

On 25/10/2011 20:53, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> What does Walter have to do with anything here?

It was always my understanding that Walter is the man in charge of D development.

> He's not implementing any
> date/time stuff, and he's not all that involved with Phobos development in
> general. I'm likely the one to be implementing the custom date/time
> formatting, and the current plan is to do something similar to strftime, since
> that scheme seems to be fairly standard across several languages.

What are these "several languages"?

C has it.  Thus C++ and D get access to it.  PHP has what is just a wrapper around the C 
library function, which would appear to be there in order to help with porting C code.

And what is the aim - to copy some existing scheme, or to have a scheme that is useful, 
intuitive, extensible, etc.?


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