Introducing vibe.d!

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Thu Apr 26 23:07:29 PDT 2012

Am 26.04.2012 23:59, schrieb bearophile:
> Sönke Ludwig:
>> See for more information and some example
> I see the code:
>> import vibe.d;
>> ...
>> static this()
>> {
>> listenTcp(7, (conn){ conn.write(conn) });
>> }
> Isn't it better to use this?
> import vibe.all;
> And in the last line is a semicolon missing?
> listenTcp(7, (conn){ conn.write(conn); });
> Bye,
> bearophile

Ah yes, the semicolon got lost while transforming "conn => 
conn.write(conn)" to "(conn){ conn.write(conn); }" because the lamdba 
syntax was a bit surprising there.

The "import vibe.d;" is actually just a play on the frameworks name and 
just should be easy to remember. In addition to importing all modules, 
it also imports a module containing the main function, so this is a 
special beast. But there is actually a "import vibe.vibe;" which is the 
equivalent to the "vibe.all".


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