D forums now live!

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Thu Feb 16 05:22:43 PST 2012


> http://forum.dlang.org/

Sorry for the late reply. They are indeed fast. A screen grab:

At first sight there are three things I don't like about them:
- All those thick boxes inside boxes waste too much screen surface that's better used for the actual messages text.
- The image of the person that is writing steals and wastes another vertical chunk of space. This asks for a redesign that saves that space for the message.
- The menu on the left of the page steals a large amount of space. The threads are often long, while the D menu on the left is short, so there's often a huge amount of space wasted on the page. The result is a too much thin space left for messages text. In my screen about 54% of the horizontal space is wasted for things that are not messages text. I suggest to fix this, I'd like to something more like 80% of it left to messages text.


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