cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

Klyn klyn at
Sun Jan 8 13:36:52 PST 2012

On Fri 30-Dec 10:00, Stephan wrote:
> On 29.12.2011 13:31, Trass3r wrote:
>> On Thursday, 29 December 2011 at 10:32:49 UTC, Extrawurst wrote:
>>> nice work. why moved to github ?
>> I'm sick of having to switch from git to hg commands every time I work
>> on cl4d.
>> So I converted it to git, cleaned up the history and just put it on
>> Github cause it has nicer features.
>>> btw. with dmd2057 and the -property flag it does not build anymore.
>> I see, haven't used that switch yet.
> ok i can just use the c header ports, the wrapper just makes dmd choke
> "Stack Overflow" with this simple cmd line:
> dmd opencl\c\cl.d opencl\c\cl_ext.d opencl\c\cl_gl.d
> opencl\c\cl_gl_ext.d opencl\c\cl_platform.d opencl\c\opencl.d
> opencl\all.d opencl\buffer.d opencl\commandqueue.d opencl\context.d
> opencl\device.d opencl\error.d opencl\event.d opencl\host.d
> opencl\image.d opencl\kernel.d opencl\memory.d opencl\platform.d
> opencl\program.d opencl\sampler.d opencl\wrapper.d

Heh, I was just going to post about that too, guess I'll post it here:

(using dmd 2.057, eclipse+DDT, win7 x64)


I'm trying to use cl4d, but when I compile I get a stack overflow..
This happens on the CLGLInterop.d example in the cl4d source.
After some stripping down, it seems just an empty module with an empty 
main() and an import opencl.all is enough to trigger the overflow:

module CLGLInterop;

import opencl.all;

void main(){}

Here's the verbose compile output:

--------  Build Commands:  --------




binary    C:\_prog\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe
version   v2.057
config    C:\_prog\D\dmd2\windows\bin\sc.ini
parse     CLGLInterop
importall CLGLInterop
import    object 
import    opencl.all	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\all.d)
import    opencl.c.opencl	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\c\opencl.d)
import	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\c\cl.d)
import    opencl.c.cl_platform 
import    std.conv	(C:\_prog\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\conv.d)
import    core.stdc.math 
import    core.stdc.config 
import    core.stdc.string 
import    core.stdc.stddef 
import    std.algorithm 
import    std.c.string 
import    std.array 
import    core.memory 
import    core.bitop 
import    std.ascii 
import    std.exception 
import    std.range 
import    std.functional 
import    std.metastrings 
import    std.traits 
import    std.typetuple 
import    std.typecons 
import    core.stdc.stdlib 
import    std.format 
import    core.stdc.stdio 
import    core.stdc.stdarg 
import    core.vararg 
import    std.bitmanip 
import    std.math	(C:\_prog\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\math.d)
import    std.string 
import    core.exception 
import    std.regex 
import    std.internal.uni 
import    std.uni	(C:\_prog\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\uni.d)
import    std.internal.uni_tab 
import    std.utf	(C:\_prog\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\utf.d)
import    std.system 
import    core.stdc.errno 
import    std.container 
import    opencl.c.cl_gl	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\c\cl_gl.d)
import    opencl.c.cl_gl_ext 
import    opencl.c.cl_ext	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\c\cl_ext.d)
import    opencl.commandqueue 
import    opencl.buffer	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\buffer.d)
import    opencl.context	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\context.d)
import    opencl.device	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\device.d)
import    opencl.error	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\error.d)
import    opencl.platform	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\platform.d)
import    opencl.wrapper	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\wrapper.d)
import    opencl.kernel	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\kernel.d)
import    opencl.memory	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\memory.d)
import    opencl.program	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\program.d)
import    opencl.sampler	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\sampler.d)
import    opencl.event	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\event.d)
import    opencl.image	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\image.d)
import	(C:\_prog\D\custom2\cl4d\import\opencl\host.d)
semantic  CLGLInterop
Stack overflow

I'm at a loss.. Any ideas?

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