Native GTK2 D Bindings

Artur Skawina art.08.09 at
Sat Jan 28 09:07:20 PST 2012

On 01/28/12 17:28, Kagamin wrote:
> On Tuesday, 24 January 2012 at 16:09:21 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
>> and all of these will result in identical code being emitted.
> what if
> struct Rectangle
> {
>  GdkRectangle r;
>  alias r this;
> ... methods ...
> }
> Will a different code be emitted?
> Will alias this work with C api?

Wrapping one struct in another, with no extra fields, shouldn't
make any difference wrt the resulting code.
But i don't see any reason to do it like that, and, in addition to
having two not 100% compatible ways to refer to the same thing, it
would make some things harder and/or impossible. Things like the
pseudo struct inheritance magic (you can call methods present in
*parent* objects and the right thing will happen; the Rectangle is
not a good example for this, see the AppwWin struct in example_gtk3.d,
where eg. the last "add()" actually is a GtkContainer method, not a
GtkWindow one) and implicit conversions [1].

alias-this makes no difference for the C API, it only matters when
you use the D extras.

>> And, yes, this is probably suitable for Deimos, iff part #3 is.
>> (I see no advantage in splitting out the trivial "methods")
> C bindings are a value on their own, this is probably why deimos doesn't like #3: your methods will be a burden to other users(libraries) of the bindings.

The problem with splitting out the methods is that it would create
another module. As it is, an app only needs to "import gtk2.gtk2;"
and everything works. Having some apps use this and others use eg a
"gtk2.gtkd2" would be bad. Having different identifiers (like the
suggested camelCased ones) would be even worse. Let's reduce the
pointless balkanization, not encourage it.


[1] D needs a way to control all implicit conversions for structs/classes,
both *if* these should happen and *how*. Also *all* casts should be properly
lowered, right now you have to eg use alias-this tricks to catch implicit casts.

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