Server-Side magazine interview, touches on D

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sun Jan 29 15:24:15 PST 2012

"Andrei Alexandrescu" <SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote in message 
news:jg4hhb$kll$1 at

"we tried hard to make off-the-shelf tools work at the scale and quality we 
need them to, failed, and had to write our own."

Yea, I get tired very quickly of defending NiH. Anti-NiH sentiments soudns 
great in theory, but the rality is that most off-the-shelf software just 
plain sucks - *especially* off-the-shelf web software.

"I wish I'd convince a serious hacker to bring things to the point where <?d 
writeln("Hello, world!"); ?> could be inserted in a web page."

God no. You'll never convince a serious hacker to do that, becuase if you 
*could* convince them, they wouldn't be a very serious hacker to begin with.

Web-front-end people learned a long time ago, from hard experience, that 
that's a terrible approach to server-side code on the web. No serious web 
software does that anymore, except maybe when limited to 
carefully-simplistic uses inside the "HTML templates" waaay off deep into 
the "view" section of MVC.

The whole industry's moved over keeping server-side code out of the HTML, 
and using plain-old-code to drive an HTML-template presentation system (and 
that transition started as long as about ten years ago - My first taste of 
it was the [now old and mediocre] ASP.NET). I'd argue that, even better than 
that, we should be replacing the "HTML templates" with Adam's brilliant 
approach of "Server-side HTML DOM" (primarily limited to a presentation 
module, of course).

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