A tutorial on D templates: updates

bls bizprac at orange.fr
Mon Jan 30 13:14:26 PST 2012

Hi Philippe,
Ok, something more interesting it combines suggestion 2)  and 3). Still 
a quick hack, not much tested, but I think the intention is clear.

The snippets show how a publisher subscriber pattern can be mixed in. 
Further it shows how a simple class could become a stack, queue, list etc.
The FooMixin was just to show (due to a question on D.Learn), how we can 
mimic partial C# classes.

import std.stdio;
import std.cstream;
import std.functional;

void main(string[] args)
	auto  p = new PersonStack();
	p.add("Hans", 42);// uses MIStack push(), MISubScriber notify()

mixin template MIPublisher()
	alias void delegate(Object sender, string event) CallBack;
	CallBack[] callBacks;

	public void register(CallBack callBack)
		callBacks ~= callBack;

	// There is for sure a smarter solution to remove
	public void unRegister(CallBack callBack)
		for ( int i=0 ; !i<callBacks.length ; i++ )
			if (callBacks[i] == callBack)
				callBacks = callBacks[0..i] ~ callBacks[i+1..callBacks.length];
	// Notify ALL Subscribers
	public void notify(string evt)
		foreach ( CallBack callBack ; callBacks )
			callBack( this, evt );

mixin template MIStack()
	alias typeof(this) Me;
	//alias Me[] Us;
	static Me[] stack;
	bool empty()
		return stack.length == 0;
	int count()
		return stack.length;
	void push(Me element)
		stack ~= element;
	Me pop()
		Me element = peek();
		stack.length = stack.length - 1;
		return element;
	Me peek()
		if ( stack.length == 0 )
			// throw error
		Me element = stack[stack.length-1];
		return element;

class PersonStack
	private string name;
	private int age;
	// Our Mixins
	mixin MIStack;
	mixin MIPublisher;
		// Register some subscribers (MIPublisher register function)
		// I have used free functions to show the useful toDelegate()
		register( toDelegate(&DrawPersonBarChart) ); 	
		register( toDelegate(&DrawPersonPieChart) ); 	
	// Push
	void add(string name, int age)
		this.name = name;
		this.age = age;
		// Push Person (MIStack push function.)
		// Notify all subscribers		
	// remove()

//Subscriber free functions
void DrawPersonBarChart(Object sender, string msg)
	writeln("Bar " ~ msg);
void DrawPersonPieChart(Object sender, string msg)
	writeln("Pie " ~ msg);

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