Low feature GNUPlot controller for D2

SiegeLord none at none.com
Sun Mar 11 14:45:01 PDT 2012

I have been using a GNUPlot controller for my scientific work 
with D for some time now, so I just wanted to announce that such 
a thing exists if anybody is interested in using it or whatnot. 
It supports very some basic features (hence being low feature) 
which you can view in the example file: 

One unique feature that comes for free by virtue of using an 
external plotting program is that you don't have to plot things 
right away, but instead save the commands to a file and plot them 
at a different time (by piping them to gnuplot). I use this 
technique combined with sshfs to plot things remotely.

Anyway, the repository for it is here: 
It requires TangoD2 to build and gnuplot 4.4.3 to run (unless 
you're saving commands to a file as described above).
It works on Linux, and maybe on Windows (untested).


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