Pegged, From EBNF to PEG

bls bizprac at
Mon Mar 12 05:43:06 PDT 2012

On 03/10/2012 03:28 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> Hello,
> I created a new Github project, Pegged, a Parsing Expression Grammar
> (PEG) generator in D.
> docs:

Just WOW!

Nice to have on your WIKI would be a EBNF to PEG sheet.

Wirth EBNF     	Pegged
A = BC.		A <- B C
A = B|C.	A <- C / C
A = [B].	A <- B?
A = {B}.	A <- B*

Having EBNF expressed in Pegged ...

EBNF <- Procuction+
Production <- Identifier '=' Expression '.'
Expression <- Term ( '|' Term)*
Term <- Factor Factor*
Factor <- 	Identifier /
		Literal /
		'[' Expression ']'
		 / '{' Expression }'/
		'(' Expression ')'
lowerCase  <- [a-z]
upperCase  <- [A-Z]
Identifier <- (lowerCase / upperCase) (lowerCase / upperCase)*
Literal <- ("'" .+ "'" /  '"' .+ '"')

Due to the fact that EBNF can be expressed in EBNF it should be possible 
to parse an arbitrary EBNF file and generate PEG output.
What do you think ?

BTW.. Is my EBNF PEG description correct ? TIA Bjoern

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