video games (was Re: UFCS for D)

Sean Kelly sean at
Sat Mar 31 09:32:34 PDT 2012

Some of the fancier TVs operate at 120Hz and generate interpolated frames to fill the gaps. It tends to cause all sorts of problems and look terrible. Generally renders console games unplayable too, as it creates all sorts of input lag. 

On Mar 31, 2012, at 6:40 AM, "Adam D. Ruppe" <destructionator at> wrote:

> On Saturday, 31 March 2012 at 09:35:25 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> So blowing hundreds of dollars just so half my stuff looks *worse* and other stuff looks (to me) only marginally better? Pass.
> I've seen a few high def tvs. I like half of them, though
> not enough to displace my old set.
> The ones I didn't like though are apparently the more
> expensive ones. What happens is motion looks really
> bizarre on these. I don't know how to describe it, but
> watching a show on it just feels... weird as the camera
> moves.
> At first, I thought it was because these things are so
> big that it was messing with my brain.
> But, I brought this up on another forum and I was told
> that's a feature in the hardware: apparently the expensive
> sets interpolate frames into regular shows and display
> more movement. So, instead of 23 fps, we get, I think,
> 30 fps, though I'm not sure, out of the same original material.
> Anyway, everyone insists this is "better" and I think
> it is weird just because I'm "so used to seeing shit".
> But blargh, I still don't like it.

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