Combine Coroutines and Input Ranges for Dead-Simple D Iteration

Robert Clipsham robert at
Tue May 1 05:26:48 PDT 2012

On 01/05/2012 09:27, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> A little write-up I just did on something I thought was pretty cool:
> Combine Coroutines and Input Ranges for Dead-Simple D Iteration

This got me thinking, so I tried to do something a little similar 
myself, the result is below.

If you only have one type to iterate over, you can make the user code 
look even cleaner! I can't help but feel it can become even cleaner too.

(Scroll to the "User code" comment to miss out the implementation).

The code:
import core.thread;

class VFiber(Elem) : Fiber
     Elem elem;
     this(void delegate() dg)

auto visitor(T, Elem = T.visitType)(T t)
     static struct Visitor
         T t;
         VFiber!Elem f;
         @disable this();
         @disable this(this);
         this(T t)
             this.t = t;
             f = new VFiber!Elem(&t.visit);

         Elem front() @property
             return f.elem;

         void popFront()

         bool empty() @property
             return f.state == Fiber.State.TERM;
     return Visitor(t);

void yield(Elem)(Elem el)
     auto f = cast(VFiber!Elem)cast(void*)Fiber.getThis();
     if (f is null) throw new FiberException("Cannot yield a value from 
outside the visit() method");
     f.elem = el;

// User code starts here
struct Iterable
     string[] strs = ["hello", "world"];
     alias string visitType;

     void visit()
         foreach(str; strs)

void main()
     import std.stdio;
     Iterable i;
     foreach(el; i.visitor)
         writefln("%s", el);


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