DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

dennis luehring dl.soluz at gmx.net
Fri May 11 05:12:01 PDT 2012

Am 11.05.2012 13:50, schrieb Ary Manzana:
> On 5/11/12 4:22 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
>>>  What about line and column information?
>>  Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside lexer and
>>  a function will compute Location (line number, column number, file
>>  specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance is reduced
>>  to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on demand,
>>  and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by reverse walk
>>  till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to calculate
>>  both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
>>  "ab/c.d"), or discarding them.
> But then how do you do to efficiently (if reverse walk is any efficient)
> compute line numbers?
> Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that uses the
> lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to highlight code or to
> build an AST) and then discards them. So you can reuse the same Token
> instance. If you want to peek the next token, or have a buffer of token,
> you can use a freelist ( http://dlang.org/memory.html#freelists , one of
> the many nice things I learned by looking at DMD's source code ).
> So adding line and column information is not like wasting a lot of
> memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

it would be better to add something like an ColumnLine-collector-thing - 
that if applied is able to hold this information, so no waste if its not 

i think there are several parts that can work like that

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