HibernateD and DDBC - ORM and DB abstraction layer for D

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Fri Apr 5 08:20:03 PDT 2013

On 2013-04-05 16:03, Vadim Lopatin wrote:

> 2) Read/write property
>     @property T someProperty() { ... }
>     @property xxx someProperty(T value) { ... }
>     treated as property with name 'someProperty'
> BTW, I don't know how to check if property is read/write in compile time.

If there's no better way you can always use __traits(compiles), 
something like this:

__traits(compiles, { auto c = new Class; T v = c.someProperty; 
c.someProperty = T.init; });

Currently that will compile regardless of @property or not.

/Jacob Carlborg

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