New malloc() for win32 that should produce faster DMD's and faster D code that uses malloc()

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Sun Aug 4 02:25:01 PDT 2013

04.08.2013 11:53, dennis luehring пишет:
> Am 04.08.2013 09:35, schrieb Walter Bright:
>> On 8/4/2013 12:19 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 4 August 2013 at 06:07:54 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:
>>>> ever tested nedmalloc
>>>> ( or
>>>> other malloc allocators?
>>> "Windows 7, Linux 3.x, FreeBSD 8, Mac OS X 10.6 all contain
>>> state-of-the-art
>>> allocators and no third party allocator is likely to significantly
>>> improve on
>>> them in real world results."
>>> So there may be minimal returns from incorporating nedmalloc on
>>> modern OS's ... ?
>> As I wrote earlier, Microsoft has enormous incentive to make HeapXXXX
>> as fast as
>> possible, as it will pay dividends for every Microsoft software
>> product and
>> software designed for Windows. I'm sure the engineers there know all
>> about the
>> various strategies available on the intarnets. Why not take advantage
>> of their work?
> HeapAlloc is a forwarder to RtlHeapAlloc and C++ new does call
> RtlHeapAlloc directly - would it be better to use this kernel32 api
> directly? (maybe if used in druntime to reduce dll dependencies)

Up to Windows XP (at least) KERNEL32's HeapAlloc function is forwarded 
to RtlAllocateHeap [1] function exported by NTDLL so there is no runtime 
performance overhead.

There is no RtlHeapAlloc function on my Windows XP and I can't find any 
information about it on the web. Looks like a Windows 6.x stuff or a 
mistake in name.

Also note there are tons of errors because of such "slightly different" 
names. If we are talking about "Heap*" functions:
1. Incorrect "RtlAllocHeap" name here [2].
2. Incorrect "HeapFree" function signature (4-byte BOOL is returned but 
it is just a wrapper of RtlFreeHeap which returns 1-byte BOOLEAN) (fixed 
in Windows 6.x).


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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