legacy code retreat's triva game : the D version

Ivan Kazmenko gassa at mail.ru
Sat Dec 21 05:20:58 PST 2013

On Saturday, 21 December 2013 at 05:12:57 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
> For more information, I've written a document on an 
> implementation of uniform (which should be coming in 2.065, 
> btw) which discusses the issue with just using the modulus 
> operator:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2206555/uniformUpgrade.pdf

Looks like your new implementation has one modulo operator, 
compared to the previous one having two divisions.  That may be 
the cause of speedup.

The previous implementation was, by its looks, copied from C++ 
Boost which also uses two divisions.  Do you know the reason for 
that?  They seem to have been solving the exact same problem 
(strict uniformness provided that the underlying RNG is uniform).

I'd like to touch a relevant point here that matters for me.  In 
a mature randomness library, one important quality is 
reproducibility: there are applications where you want to use 
pseudo-random values, but generate the exact same pseudo-random 
values across different versions, computers, operating systems 
and language implementations.  So far I have seen very few 
languages which provide such reproducibility guarantees for their 
standard library.  For example, in C and C++ standard randomness 
library, the details were implementation-dependent all the way 
until the recent C++11.  Python stood for long but finally broke 
it between 3.1 and 3.2 because of the exact same non-uniformness 
problem.  A positive example in this regard is Java which 
enforces the implementation of Random since at least version 1.5.

If you break the reproducibility of uniform in dmd 2.065, there 
should be at least a note on that in its documentation.  For a 
mature library, I think the old implementation should also have 
been made available somehow. (well, there's always an option to 
include an old library version in your project, but...)  Perhaps 
that's not the case for D and Phobos since they are still not 
stabilized.  Especially so for std.random which is due to more 
breakage anyway because of the value/reference issues with RNG 

Regarding that, I have a point on designing a randomness library. 
  Right now, most of what I have seen has at most two layers: the 
core RNG providing random bits, and the various uses of these 
bits, like uniform distribution on a segment, random shuffle and 
so on.  It is comfortable when the elements of the two layers are 
independent, and you can compose different first layers (LCG, 
MT19937, or maybe some interface to /dev/*random) with different 
second layer functions (uniform[0,9], random_shuffle, etc.).  
Still, many of the useful second level functions build upon 
uniform distribution for integers on a segment.  Thus I would 
like to have an explicit intermediate layer consisting of uniform 
and maybe other distributions which could also have different 
(fast vs. exact) implementations to choose from.  In the long 
run, such design could also solve reproducibility problems: we 
can provide another implementation of uniform as the default, but 
it is still easy to set the previous one as the preferred 
intermediate level.

Ivan Kazmenko.

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