D/Objective-C, extern (Objective-C)

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.ca
Wed Jun 26 08:45:01 PDT 2013

On 2013-06-26 11:07:45 +0000, Sönke Ludwig <sludwig at outerproduct.org> said:

> Naively I first thought that .class and .protocolof were candidates for
> __traits, but actually it looks like they might simply be implemented
> using a templated static property:
> class ObjcObject {
>   static @property ProtocolType!T protocolof(this T)() {
>     return ProtocolType!T.staticInstance;
>   }
> }
> That's of course assuming that the static instance is somehow accessible
> from normal D code.

I don't think you get what protocolof is, or if so I can't understand 
what you're trying to suggest with the code above. It's a way to obtain 
the pointer identifying a protocol. You don't "call" protocolof on a 
class, but on the interface. Like this:

	extern (Objective-C) interface MyInterface {}

	NSObject object;
	if (object.conformsToProtocol(MyInterface.protocolof))
	{ … }

protocolof is a pointer generated by the compiler that represents the 
Objective-C protocol for that interface. It's pretty much alike other 
compiler generated properties such as mangleof and nameof. There's 
nothing unusual about protocolof.

And that conformsToProtocol function above is a completely normal 
function by the way.

As for .class, it's pretty much alike to .classinfo for D objects. The 
difference is that it returns an instance of a different type depending 
on the class (Objective-C has a metaclass hierarchy), so it needs to be 
handled by the compiler. I used .class to mirror the name in 
Objective-C code. Since this has to be compiler generated and it's type 
is magic to be typeof(this).Class, I see no harm in using a keyword for 
it. I could have called it .classinfo, but that'd be rather misleading 
if you asked me (it's not a ClassInfo object, nor does it behave like 

> The __selector type class might be replaceable by a library type
> Selector!(R, ARGS).

It could. But it needs compiler support for if you want to extract them 
from functions in a type-safe manner. If the compiler has to understand 
the type, better make it a language extension.

> It would also be great to have general support for
> implicit constructors and make string->NSString and delegate->ObjcBlock
> available in the library instead of dedicated compiler special case.

String literals are implicitly convertible to NSString with absolutely 
no overhead.

> Not sure about constructors in interfaces, they seem a bit odd, but
> using "init" instead and letting "new" call that is also odd...

Well, there's supported in Objective-C (as init methods), so we have to 
support them.

> You already mentioned @IBAction and @IBOutlet, those can obviously be
> UDAs, as well as @optional and other similar keywords.


> Maybe it's possible like this to reduce the syntax additions to
> extern(Objective-C) and possibly constructors in interfaces.

Maybe. But not at the cost of memory safety.

The idea is that something written in @safe D should be memory-safe, it 
should be provable by the compiler. And this should apply to 
Objective-C code written in D too. Without this requirement we could 
make it less magic, and allow, for instance, NSObject.alloc().init(). 
But that's not @safe, which is why constructors were implemented.

But we can't do this at the cost of disallowing existing idioms do in 
Objective-C. For instance, I could get a pointer to a class object, and 
create a new object for it. If you define this:

	extern (Objective-C):
	interface MyProtocol {
	class MyObject : NSObject, MyProtocol {
		this(string) {}

you can then write this:

	MyProtocol.Class c = MyObject.class;
	NSObject o = new c("baca");

And the compiler then knows that the class pointer can allocate objects 
that can be constructed with a string parameter. This is something that 
can and is done in Objective-C (hence why you'll find constructors on 
interfaces). The idea is to add provable memory safety on top of it. 
(Note that the above example is not implemented yet, nor documented.)

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.ca

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