Guigle: Is there help?

Stephen Jones siwenjo at
Sun Mar 24 18:47:39 PDT 2013

I was looking for a GUI that I could run over an openGL window in 
D and gave up and wrote a gui out of openGL that is the last 
sequence of draws and that gets rendered to the near plane. The 
project is called Guigle. So far it includes Button, CheckBox, 
Cursor, DropMenu, EditField, Editor, FileChooser, FileSaver, 
MsgBox, EntryBox, and TextField classes, all of which behave like 
a rudimentary WinForms. All of the workings, including loading 
Derelict3 are blackboxed into a Guigle folder, which also 
contains a layout.ini for setting colors, fonts and theme. To use 
Guigle you extend Form in the main App class, call super with 
window w, h, clearColor, and a parameterless delegate to an 
initial function. The App class also overrides a draw function 
which allows the programmer to access the GL loop to draw 
underneath the GUI; events for user defined GL, at this stage, 
have to be handled via events thrown from the GUI. Although not 
rigorously tested it all works on XP as expected and without 

I would like to make the software openSource (BSD or community) 
and put it on GIT and was wondering if any body could help me 
publish the thing. I am really dense when it comes to figuring 
out configuration issues. My way would be to dump the MonoDevelop 
(Xamarin) .sln onto GIT and if people want to use it they can 
download it and treat the project like a template… basically 
clear out the initial App class and build the functionality they 
want; they do not need to go into the Guigle folder to access the 
functionality. But there is probably a way better way of doing 
things, like making the Guigle folder something you could place 
in the DMD2\scr directory and linking to it. When I try this I 
get all sorts of issues like dlls no longer found, file names 
missing, etc, basically configuration issues that I do not 
understand. Why oh why didn’t I take the blue pill?

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