dchip is a D2 port of the Chipmunk2D physics library for 2D games

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 07:43:13 PST 2013

On 11/5/13, Sergei Nosov <sergei.nosov at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a little bug report. Don't know if it's my bad.

It's not your fault. And thanks for the report!

> First-off, it complained about several 'cannot cast ulong to
> int'. I've fixed that with explicit casts.

This is mostly the cause of the old C code which compiled without
warnings. I've fixed this now.

> Second, it complained about undefined reference to dlopen and
> friends. I've fixed that by adding
> "libs": [
>          "dl"
>      ]
> to package.json

I've added it as a Posix flag, however do note that I still don't know
whether the demo will work on Posix since I don't know how to load the
glu library there. I'll have to investigate this in a virtual machine

> And finally, I've got
> object.Exception at src/rt/minfo.d(243): Aborting: Cycle detected
> between modules with ctors/dtors:
> dchip.cpPolyShape -> dchip.chipmunk_private -> dchip.cpArbiter ->
> dchip.cpSpace -> dchip.cpSpaceStep -> dchip.cpCollision ->
> dchip.cpPolyShape

I was afraid this was going to happen. As it stands D's module
constructors are almost completely useless for real world code since
this issue always pops up. Anyway I've replaced them with a single
module constructor which calls initialization functions, so this is
fixed now.

Thanks again for all the reports! And if you have new ones please do
report them on the githup page, in the Issues section. Cheers.

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