now supports categories and search - license information now required

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Thu Oct 17 03:39:24 PDT 2013

Am 17.10.2013 12:14, schrieb ilya-stromberg:
>>> Add abbility to add the array with licenses:
>>> "license": ["BSL-1.0", "AFL-3.0", "public domain"]
>>> I think it's better than
>>> "license": "BSL-1.0 or AFL-3.0 or public domain"
>> There will still be the need to specify "or later", so this will only
>> make it partially more structured. I'm a little undecided on this one.
> We can use `+` to indicate "or later":
> "license": ["BSL-1.0+", "AFL-3.0+", "public domain"]
> I think it will be clear.

Fair enough, that should work.

But one potential issue just occurred to me. What if a product is 
licensed under multiple licenses that must _all_ apply? That would 
basically be "MPL-2.0 and Apache-1.0" instead of "or". This is something 
that happens quite frequently when code is taken from multiple projects 
or when the license was changed, but some files were under foreign 

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