Digger can now build D versions from the future

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at thecybershadow.net
Tue Apr 1 00:01:18 PDT 2014

Hi everyone,

It is my great pleasure to announce a new feature addition to the 
tool Digger.

Digger's goal is to be able to build D versions from any point in 
D's history. As it has already conquered the present (building D 
from git master) and past (building D from any git commit), only 
one final frontier remained: the future!

Although this might sound like an impossible feat which would 
violate causality, recent advancements in D-wave quantum 
tunnelling have made this possible and safe (mostly), and I've 
put together a simple implementation.

I've tried it out, and it works on my machine. However, due to 
there being an infinite number of possible eventualities, user 
input is required: whereas before only a timestamp or version 
number sufficed, to utilise this feature the user must select the 
desired features that their future D version must have, and 
Digger shall locate a timeline where D has the selected features, 
and tunnel it across, onto the user's hard drive.

Here is what the user interface looks like (fragment):

Note that due to technical reasons, Digger can only lock on to 
timelines with additions proposed at the moment of tunnelling. 
Nevertheless, these are exciting times! With this prescient 
capability, we can find regressions before they end up in D, or 
predict proposal conflicts before they materialise!

If you'd like to give it a spin, the source repository is here:


Pre-built Windows binaries are also available:


Launch digger-web to access the user interface!

Further improvements can be expected in the near future, and 
feedback is welcome as always. Dig safely!

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