Coedit alpha 8 released

Basile Burg via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Fri Nov 28 08:39:38 PST 2014

Hello, a new release of Coedit[MainPage], the small open-source D
IDE for Windows and Linux, is released. Here is a paste of the 
release log.

- redesigned the widget: a toolbar at the top allows to filter 
the messages according to a category, either all, editor (focused 
editor messages), project, misc (messages from the custom tools) 
or application (Coedit warnings or exceptions).
- custom tools messages are redirected if poUsePipes is defined 
in the tool options.
- errors messages are not split anymore (e.g: instantiated from 
here...) thus less confusing.

- non D files syntax highlighter: txt, md, etc. Automatically set 
when opening a file.
- the project inspector displays the items from the project 
"Path" options (-I, -J, additional sources).
- Zoom in,out editor with Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, restore with Ctrl+.
- The static explorer widget scans in background, "refresh on 
change", "refresh on focus" does not freeze the GUI anymore.
- various bug fixed and small improvements.
- pre-build binaries include an up-to-date DCD build.
- refer to the wiki[WikiPage] for more information about the 
changes and the new features.

Pre-build binaries are available from the [ReleasePage].



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