undeaD - zombie phobos modules back from the grave

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sun Nov 30 20:07:03 PST 2014



In upgrading old D code, one time consuming aspect is reworking code that 
depends on old Phobos modules that have been taken out behind the woodshed and 
shot. Sometimes, there's significantly more work involved than just renaming 
things. Just to get things working, it's convenient to be able to use the old 
modules until one has time to redo the code.

I've done this myself, and then noticed that Dmitry Olshansky had also done it 
when updating DMDScript to D2.

Rather than having people keep duplicating others' efforts, I created the undeaD 
library of zombie Phobos modules.

I'm new to dub, so if I botched that up, please do a pull request! Also, if 
there are any other dead Phobos modules you'd like exhumed, PR's are welcome.

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