IAP Tools for D

Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sat Dec 19 17:24:22 PST 2015

> How does the performance of ION compare with Protocol Buffers 
> (https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/?hl=en) and 
> Apache Thrift ( https://thrift.apache.org/)?

Oh - one final thing:

If you *really* want speed you should not parse ION into objects 
before using the data. Since ION is self describing, you can just 
navigate through it and find the data you need, and ignore the 

This should be faster than first parsing the data into objects 
first. Especially if you parse an array of objects which may end 
up scattered all over the heap, and thus lead to cache misses. 
Accessing these objects directly in the message buffer might save 
you both the ION-to-object parse time, plus it might play better 
with the L1, L2 and L3 caches.

We have not yet benchmarked this, but we will within long. In 
this mode I expect the read+use time to be faster than Google 
Protocol Buffers.

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