, version 2 (BETA)

Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Thu Jun 4 12:40:43 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 4 June 2015 at 15:51:56 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> * "Welcome, Guest." -> "Welcome, Guest. You may read or post 
> without creating an account. Accounts 
> (<a>create</a>/<a>login</a>) save your name, avatar, and 
> subscriptions."

This was actually one of the random tips. I promoted it to the 
first line for first-time visitors.

> * "28 threads and 168 posts have been posted in the last 24 
> hours." -> "28 threads and 168 posts have been posted in the 
> last 24 hours by x posters (y newly registered)." Print the 
> paren if y > 0.

Added unique user count.

I can't do "newly registered" part in a reasonable fashion (e.g. 
how do I count people posting via NNTP or mailing lists?). The 
reason is I don't associate posts with registered users. Although 
I could add an X-DFeed-Username header to posts, plus a new table 
column for each post which stores the DFeed username, this seems 
out of proportion.

> * If the account is logged in, same paragraph: "Since your last 
> visit, x new threads and y new posts have been posted by z 
> posters (t newly registered)."

This was already implemented.

> * The total posts and threads are not super interesting. Total 
> users may be.

This is mostly filler, the list looks ugly if there are too few 
items in it.

> * "D Programming Language - General" -> "D Programming Language 
> - Community"


> * Traffic info should be added to descriptions. E.g. 
> "Announcements for anything D related (low traffic, x posts in 
> the last 7 days)".

I tried this and I'm not sure it works:

1. It is ugly and it is clutter. It makes the already-small click 
target harder to spot. I suppose I could move it to its own 
column or something.
2. It doesn't say a lot more than what the last post time does 
(on average).
3. It just shows how many dead and under-used groups we have, 
even after the cleaning.
4. Our announce group is not low-traffic anyway.

> * "mailing list" in the last column is awkward because it's 
> broken into two rows. Use "mailman" - those who care for 
> mailing list are bound to already know what it means.

Done. (This was an OS X specific issue)

> * After the name of the forum ("Learn", "General" etc) there 
> should be a paren: "(28 unread)". Or see below:

Per-group unread counts are hard due to how read posts are stored.

> * The "Threads" and "Posts" columns are not that informative. 
> The number of posts since the list has been ever created may be 
> good to know, but it's hardly information one cares about or 
> tracks.

It's standard-issue in most web forums, though.

> However, threads with unread messages and unread posts might be 
> more interesting. Not sure where the global counters could be 
> moved sensibly.

As above.

> * The forum names ("Learn", "General" etc) should be in a 
> different font. Maybe code font would be nice.

I tweaked the descriptions to reduce the stutter caused by 
descriptions starting with the group name.

> * I don't know how to change view modes. Clicking on a forum 
> name takes to the threaded views, and there's no UI to change 
> it.

It's the first thing on the help page.

> Again, this is awesome work!!

Thanks. Pushed a few tweaks to vertical-split as well.

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