DConf 2016 Second Call for Submissions

Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Fri Jan 22 11:31:06 PST 2016

The Fourth Annual Conference of the D Programming Language: DConf 2016

May 4 to May 6, 2016

Berlin, Germany


DConf 2016 will feature keynotes, technical talks for all levels of D 
knowledge, experience reports, panels, and lightning talks.

The conference invites the submission of proposals for papers, talks, 
and experience reports. The topics of choice are anything and everything 
related to the D language. Such include:

* Language Proper issues, such as new idioms and techniques enabled by D
* Tools and Techniques for maximizing productivity when working in D
* Experience reports on using D in the real world
* Under the hood glances at compiler and standard library implementation 
* Hot topics that are sure to start lively debates, such as manual and 
automatic memory management, migrating from other languages, and of 
course the perennial matter of managing the D development itself

These are not all-inclusive. Originality in topics and formats is warmly 
encouraged. If it is relevant to the D language, it fits.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Friday February 26, 2016, 23:59:59.99 PST
Early bird registration deadline: Monday February 29, 2016, 23:59:59.99 PST
Conference: Wednesday May 4 – Friday May 6, 2016


We expect submissions in plain text format or one of the usual rich 
document formats, such as PDF or DOC. Send your submissions to 
dconf2016 at digitalmars.com. If accepted, the talks will be delivered by 
the submitter(s) unless the submission indicates otherwise. The 
submission should include:

* Title
* Kind (e.g. talk, tutorial, panel, contest, interpretive dance)
* Duration (we're aiming for 50-minute presentations, but are 
considering smaller and larger durations as well)
* Target Audience (e.g. beginner, intermediate, advanced)
* Abstract: the "elevator pitch" of the talk, in one paragraph
* Extended description: an extended abstract including any details you 
believe are relevant for evaluating the submission
* Brief speaker biography including a summary of their expertise 
relative to the talk topic
* Keyword tags


Walter Bright, The D Language Foundation
Ali Çehreli, The D Language Foundation, Riverbed
Andrei Alexandrescu, The D Language Foundation
Mihails Strasuns, Sociomantic

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