pure D JPEG decoder, with progressive JPEG support, public domain

ketmar via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sat Jun 18 13:18:38 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 18 June 2016 at 19:52:20 UTC, Observer wrote:
> Not convinced?

no. i believe that it's all strongly overrated. don't run 
software with full access to your system, don't feed it with 
untrusted data, use sandboxes and such, etc. this is the way to 
go, not adding endless checks for all possible corner cases.

still, anyone is free to undo that: just replace all `\.ptr\b` 
with empty string -- and voila! all the bounds checking (and mind 
you, there is little, as many arrays are just malloc'ed anyway) 
is back. it's way easier to do than to put `.ptr` into vanilla 

for my use cases `.ptr` access is ok: i prefer to leave bounds 
checking on for all builds, and manually escape it in the code 
when i feel that it is necessary.

in other words: i believe that validating data and 
loading/processing data should be separated. first validate all 
your jpegs with some tool, then use loaders to actually load and 
process 'em.

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