D's Auto Decoding and You

John Carter via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Thu May 19 15:17:17 PDT 2016

On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 14:06:37 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
> http://jackstouffer.com/blog/d_auto_decoding_and_you.html

>> There are lots of places where invalid Unicode is either 
>> commonplace or legal, e.g. Linux file names, and therefore 
>> auto decoding cannot be used. It turns out in the wild that 
>> pure Unicode is not universal - there's lots of dirty Unicode 
>> that should remain unmolested because it's user data, and auto 
>> decoding does not play well with that mentality.

As a slightly tangential aside.....


There exists a proposal for a linux kernel module to render the 
creation of such names impossible.....

I for one will install it on all my systems as soon as I can.

However, until then, my day job requires me to find, scan and 
analyze and work with whatever crud, the herd of cats I work 
with, throws into the repo.

And no, sadly I can't just rewrite everything because they (or 
some tool they use) doesn't understand UTF8.

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