Mir Algorithm v0.5.8: Interpolation, Timeseries and 17 new functions

jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Mon May 8 07:26:35 PDT 2017

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 08:51:32 UTC, 9il wrote:
> ## New modules
> ...

Great work.

Some comments:

mir.timeseries is a welcome addition. Calling (time, data) pairs 
moments will confuse because moment has another meaning in 
statistics. Perhaps observation? Head and tail are also pretty 
common timeseries functions (probably would need to go through 
pandas to get a reminder on other common stuff). Also, Series 
might also include data labels for columns. And access by data 

The second part of the example for
mir.ndslice.topology: slide
is not that intuitive. It seems like what you're basically doing 
is the same as
assert(sw == [8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36]);
(or something) but it's just less obvious to do it by a formula.

I don't know how strongly I feel about this, but I find the 
naming between minIndex/maxIndex and minPos/maxPos and 
minmaxIndex/minmaxPos strange. All three produce indices, it's 
just that the Pos do it backwards and minmax give both min and 
max. It seems like a lot of separate functions for things that 
could be done with one multi-purpose template. Regardless, if you 
keep it the way it is, then maybe given the plethora of finding 
functions, split it off to a separate module?

Would it make sense to bump that thread you posted earlier in 
case people didn't see it due to dconf?

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