DCompute is now in the master branch of LDC

Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Wed May 31 05:28:47 PDT 2017

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 18:06:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 5/30/2017 5:12 AM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
>> Ah, isn't English wonderful. I guess Walter is suffering the 
>> inverse of the Calvin & Hobbes "Verbing nouns weirds the 
>> language", nouning verbs does weird the language, but only to 
>> those who aren't used to that particular nouning of the verb.
> Just to clarify, I find that "Compute" is not evocative of 
> "GPU". I read "CUDA by Example" a couple years ago, and even 
> downloaded the CUDA SDK and compiled/ran a simple program on a 
> graphics card. But I never noticed that "Compute" had anything 
> specific to do with GPU programming.
> I fear the conversation will go like this, like it has for me:
>  N: DCompute
>  W: What's DCompute?
>  N: Enables GPU programming with D
>  W: Cool!
> instead of:
>  N: D-GPU
>  W: Cool! I can use D to program GPUs!
> The problem with the first conversation is W may just move on 
> to the next topic rather than investigate what DCompute is.

OK, I get that a portion of the community seems to think that 
dcompute is either too generic, is too easily passed over by the 
fact that it doesn't mention GPUs or otherwise could be named 
I am more inclined to be persuaded by the fact that everybody 
that has actually done GPU programming has said that it makes 
sense to them.

But can we please reduce the bike shedding, that was not the 
point of this announcement, which was to bring together people 
interested in contributing to either the runtime libraries, LDC 
or LLVM and become familiar with goals, expected route of 
development and infrastructure.

Perhaps there will be scope for renaming if/when this also 
includes graphics when either OpenCL is merged into the Vulkan 
API or Petar Kirov gets Vulkan SPIRV generation going on LLVM, 
but for now the name stays.


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