Trial v0.4.0 and visual-trial v0.1.0 are out

Szabo Bogdan szabobogdan3 at
Mon Sep 18 20:50:55 UTC 2017


I want to announce that I managed to release a new version of 
Trial, the DLang test runner. Since my last announcement, I made 
this changes:

  - new TAP and VisualTrial reporters
  - add -r flag to override the default reporters
  - add the describe command which prints a json with the 
discovered tests
  - the tests now vave source location
  - ars.d terminal is now part of trial... to fix some dependencies

Also, I worked on a visual studio code plugin, it works on my 
machine... I developed it on mac os, but I will test it on 
windows and linux in the following weeks:

Any feedback is appreciated!


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