code-d 0.20.0 - serve-d 0.4.0 - Happy new year!

WebFreak001 at
Mon Dec 31 17:42:46 UTC 2018

Hi guys!

I'm proud to announce the next code-d release with a lot of 
improvements in stability and usability.

code-d[1] is the Visual Studio Code extension for my Language 
Server serve-d[2] - I have been working on this for a while and 
wanted to get as much as possible in before the end of the year. 
You might have heard of dls[3] which is basically the same as 
serve-d, just from another person which is also really cool. My 
focus is more on improving vscode specifically and having a 
stable runtime there, but you can make it work with other LSP 
compatible editors aswell yourself.

As I said, there have been a lot of new big features, you can 
view a full changelog under

To summarize:
== The biggest features ==
- Embedded - press ctrl-q ctrl-q (changable) to open 
an embedded documentation browser inside vscode, this is a lot 
more productive than always switching between browser and vscode. 
You can also have them in multiple tabs in vscode
- vibe.d Diet template autocompletion - Are you doing web dev 
with diet? Diet templates now complete HTML tags as well as D 
code! This is still the first version of the auto complete so 
expect bugs and some stuff not working, but for many places this 
already works great and makes diet and vibe.d a lot more 
- New syntax highlighting - the old syntax was buggy and often 
faulty, it has been updated to be more consistent and all of 
phobos looks good with it by testing random samples and scrolling 
through the whole files.

== other great stuff ==
- code-d and serve-d are a lot more stable for a lot more 
different projects, expect less crashes (but there might still be 
issues with missing dependencies for auto completion, just no 
longer causing the entire plugin to halt)
- Implement interface got a lot better - no longer will it insert 
duplicate methods if you implement an interface twice and it's 
all a lot more accurate with more tests to make the inserted code 
actually correct and compilable
- The argument snippets which were enablable per 
d.argumentSnippets for a while have become a lot more useful. If 
you use the vscode Java extension by Red Hat you can enable this 
to get the same auto completion of method arguments as you get in 
there, which is basically inserting snippets of 
"function(arg1name, arg2name, arg3name)"
- You can convert between dub.json and dub.sdl via a button click 
in the editor now
- Implemented outline view and breadcrumbs in vscode

Many bugs have also been fixed, especially with configuration 
enabling/disabling features, so check out the changelog for the 
rest. This serve-d version ships with dfmt 0.9.0 and dscanner 
0.6.0 and it will download DCD 0.10.2

Get the extension now:
or search for "D programming language" inside vscode and click 
the code-d one.

It requires at least Visual Studio Code 1.29

Wish you all a happy new year and a good start into 2019!

I want to eventually write a blog post about some features you 
might not know about in code-d and how to be more productive 
using all of its features, because it really has a ton a lot of 
people don't know about.

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