Vanquish Forever These Bugs That Blasted Your Kingdom

psychoticRabbit meagain at
Tue Feb 13 02:22:28 UTC 2018

On Monday, 12 February 2018 at 06:28:15 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
> Then pick assembly of sorts.
> C ABI is a stright-jacket that ensures e.g. that your callstack 
> is laid out correctly so that a ‘ret’ will bring you back to 
> the call site not somewhere else. Do I need to mention libc’s 
> machinations done “for compatibility”.
> Who the fuck were these guys to steal the pleasure of 
> misaligned stacks and wrong push/pop order? Or register save 
> missed?
> The reality is we are programming on top of increasingly 
> complex run-times that solve low-level problems to certain 
> extents. That includes C (even w/o libc) and pretty much any 
> other high-level language.
>> -boundscheck=off
>> D rocks!

"D is in a conflicted position regarding the bounds checking 
conundrum. The language is trying to offer at the same time the 
safety and convenience of modern languages and the ultimate 
unmuffled performance sought by system-level programmers. The 
bounds checking issue implies a choice between the two, and D 
allows you to make that choice instead of making it for you."

[ Andrei Alexandrescu - The D Programming Language, 2010]


D rocks!

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