Official Dub package for DWT

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at
Thu Feb 22 19:26:37 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 21:33:22 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
> This has been long overdue but I would like to announce that 
> I've just released an official Dub package for the DWT library 
> [1]. For a usage example, please see the GitHub page [2].

This is awesome. I don't use GUI too much with my D programs, but 
I've had one lingering with DFL for a while now.

It took a little bit to get familiar with this framework again, 
but I think the conversion has been totally worth it (even seems 
to have made my application faster).

I'll point out that this is definitely a lower level library than 
I usually see/use.

I also hit only one documentation issue due to this being 3.4 and 
not 3.7 or later, but that didn't look like it would be a normal 

Anyway, thank you for getting this to work with DUB as that 
simplifies my build.

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