Release D 2.078.0

thedeemon dlang at
Thu Jan 4 12:09:17 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 08:15:50 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

> What's missing is probably legacy_stdio_definition.lib that has 
> to be added to the linker command line for VS2015 or later.

Yes, that is the case!
Using -v flag I can see that dmd 2.077 invokes
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\\bin\link.exe /NOLOGO app /OUT:"app.exe"  /OPT:NOICF 
/LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\\lib\x64"  /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\\lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64" legacy_stdio_definitions.lib

While the new 2.078 just
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\bin\link.exe /NOLOGO app /OUT:"app.exe"  /OPT:NOICF  
/LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 

> Please try replacing the Environment64 section in sc.ini with 
> just this:
> [Environment64]
> LIB=%@P%\..\lib64

I'm using the variant from 7z archive (not installer). Its sc.ini 
section already looks very much like this.

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