mysql-native v2.1.0

Bauss jj_1337 at
Thu Mar 8 07:14:22 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 07:03:15 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
> On 03/07/2018 04:53 PM, bauss wrote:
>> I can't seem to reproduce it now, but I'll keep an eye for it 
>> and see if it still happens, but I think the problem is when 
>> you return the connection from a function.
>> I had similar issues returning a raw connection created.
> By any chance, are you ever storing a Connection or a 
> ResultRange anywhere? I don't mean as a function-local variable 
> or a a function parameter: I mean like as a class/struct member 
> or as a global? (Well, not that D really has true globals, but 
> a "global" at the module-level.)
> If you keep around a Connection (or a ResultRange, which has a 
> reference to its own Connection) past the end of the vibe.d 
> task that was using it, then that can definitely cause this 
> kind of problem.
> (AIUI, vibe.d wants to make the connections you obtain from a 
> pool be Scoped. That would help prevent users from accidentally 
> storing something they shouldn't and running into this issue.)

Yeah I stores the result range which I assume was the issue, but 
I'm returning results as arrays now so it probably solved it.

That behavior should be documented though, I don't recall reading 
that anywhere and it's kind of a gotcha

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